Australians spend a large amount of their free time by the water; either at the beach, rivers or lakes so naturally being conscientious of some of the hazards associated with those activities makes a lot of sense.
It’s the Aussie way to join Nippers at the local beach’s life saving club, starting from a very young age such as six years old. Nippers is a junior program that introduces children aged 6 to 13 to life saving which is a great way to keep children active while learning vital life saving skills. Many large companies and organisations sponsor Nippers and Life Saving Clubs because of the invaluable service they provided the community.
In general most large companies look to support worthwhile community based programs, such as life saving clubs, so they can give something back to their local community. However the sponsorship needs to be planned well ahead of the season beginning so the maximum exposure is achieved.
The planning of Summer, Beach and Water Safety Campaigns really begins in Winter which allow for design, manufacture and distribution of promotional items, well before the season starts. Specific promotional items can be sourced to be used as part of awareness campaigns to highlight dangers and how to overcome them. Simple instructions and tips printed on the promotional items can often make the difference between saving a life or avoiding specific activities that bring high risks to sun loving Aussies. Our CPR Towel can be a great way to reinforce some of the important points life savers need to know and practice so it makes for the ideal merchandise item.
Depending on a company or associations company’s goal for the campaign products can be the utilised as an informative tool, that not only helps the recipient of that item be Water and Sun Smart but can also assist in demonstrating an organisation’s Corporate’s Social Responsibility. Simple messages such as to when stay out of the sun and how often to apply Sunscreen can be printed on the bottles to remind everyone how dangerous the Australian sun can be, especially in the middle of the day.
Please contact the team at JEM Promotional Products on (02)82051334 or for more information on any of Summer, Beach Safety Campaign Merchandise Items.
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