Nowadays, protecting credit cards is essential, especially when travelling, so keeping important ID information secure is a must. Many companies provide their teams with credit cards so keeping them secure at all times is a necessity. Brand each RFID Aluminium Card Wallet with a company logo or artwork can enhance the overall look and makes it ideal for a Gift With Purchase campaign or simply as employee gifts at Christmas.
Protect your identity and credit from unwanted card readers with this aluminium and plastic case. Many new credit cards have radio frequency ID chips in them which can be accessed by retail store card readers. Passing your card in front of the reader instead of scanning makes purchases more convenient, but a scanner in the wrong hands can read your card from as far away as 70 feet. Our RFID protector wallet stops scanners and protects you.
Please contact the team at JEM Promotional Products on (02)82051334 or for more information on the Rfid Aluminium Card Wallet or any other promotional gifts in our range.
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